Ahad, 24 Ogos 2008

kenapa tak jumpa plak blog aku ni

Sabtu, 23 Ogos 2008

apom lenggang

1 cawan nasi (cooked rice) (kisar hingga lumat)
4 cawan tepung jawi ( rice flour )
1 ½ tsp. Yeast (ibu roti)
sedikit garam
90 sen Santan

Cara-cara membuat:-

1. Campur semua bahan sehingga sebati.
2. Biarkan untuk 2-3 jam.
3. Pukul adunan. Boleh masuk gula / telor, ikut suka.
4. Panaskan kuali (non stick), sapu minyak menggunakan daun pandan .
5. Tuang sesenduk adunan tadi ke dalam kuali.
6. Pusingkan kuali sehingga adunan terlekat nipis pada kuali dan tebal di tengah. ( tilt the wok in all directions to coat sides thoroughly and form thin crispy edge and a thick fluffy center ).
7. Pastikan adunan di tengah masak sebelum angkat.
8. Makan dengan curry atau santan manis.

ayam masak lemak

Bahan-bahan :
Ayam ( 6 –8 ketul)
Santan (pekat & cair)
4-5 biji cili merah (tambah pedas dgn. cili padi 7-8 biji)
1” halia
11/2” kunyit hidup
1 biji bawang besar
4 ulas bawang putih


4-5 batang serai (diketuk)
1-2 asam keping
Garam & gula secukup rasa

Cara :
1. Ayam dibersihkan.
2. Tumis bahan kisar hingga masak
3. Campur santan cair kedalam bahan yang dikisar.
4. Masak atas api. Masuk batang serai yang duketuk-ketuk.
5. Apabila mendidih, masuk ketul ayam & asam keping.
6. Masuk santan pekat, gula & garam.
7. Masak sampai kuah pekat.
8. Boleh ganti ayam dengan udang atau ikan.


Rabu, 13 Ogos 2008

Selasa, 5 Ogos 2008

Jumaat, 1 Ogos 2008

Make Money Online - Get Cash Into Your PayPal Account Every Day

Got a PayPal account? If you have, you can make money online - it's easy. Discover how you can create a great home business using any of the ideas in this article.
If you're not familiar with PayPal, the company is an online payment processor, owned by eBay. Essentially, just about anyone anywhere can use PayPal to send and receive money, as long as they have an email address.
So let's look at five ways you can get cash into your PayPal account every day.
1. Article Writing
Article writing is a great way to make money online, and you can do it in two ways.
The first way is by writing articles for others. Every Web site needs content, and many sites pay for article content. Getting started is easy, it costs nothing, and you can get on-going cash into your PayPal account.
However, writing articles for others is not the most profitable way to use articles. It's much more profitable to keep your articles and post them onto your own sites and blogs so you can make money.
2. Promote Affiliate Products Using the Free Online Classifieds
The free online classifieds are a wonderful way to make money from affiliate programs. When you promote as an affiliate, you get paid a commission on every product you sell. There are many online classifieds sites on which you can advertise your affiliate products.
3. Blog - a Blog Is the Perfect Home Business
The whole world has discovered blogs. Blogging millionaires abound, and many started out the same way you can - with a blog as a home business. How do you get PayPal cash? You can sell products and/ or advertising on your blog.
4. Become a Virtual Assistant
These days, many people run home businesses, and they need help. As a virtual assistant, you provide that help with secretarial, accounting, Web design, or other services. If you have a skill, you can get PayPal cash as a virtual assistant.
5. Create Small Web Sites and Sell Them
Web sites are properties, just as houses, apartments and businesses are in the bricks and mortar world. Once you've created a Web site - a Web property - and it's making an income, you can sell it.
So there you have five ways you can get cash into your PayPal account every day - get started now: your success is just days away.
Discover how you can make money online with Angela Booth's Money Diviner blog at You'll find daily news and information, as well free tools to make your dreams reality. Subscribe to the blog, and receive a free report.
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